The difference between Hadith Qudsi and Hadith of the Prophet in Islam

The difference between Hadith Qudsi and Hadith of the Prophet in Islam

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The difference between Hadith Qudsi and Hadith of the Prophet in Islam

Learn the difference between the hadith Qudsi and the hadith of the Prophet, as the companions transmitted a large group of hadiths from the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, a large group of hadiths, which are divided into two types, which are the divine hadiths that are narrated by our Master Muhammad about his Lord Almighty, in addition to the Prophetic hadiths.
You can get acquainted through our article with all the information and details about the sacred and prophetic hadiths.

The difference between Hadith Qudsi and Hadith of the Prophet
The Sunnah is the second source after the Noble Qur’an, and the Sunnah consists of hadiths or what came from the impact of our master Muhammad, whether saying, deed, report, biography or attributes, and the Sunnah is divided into several types, including the verbal, declarative and actual Sunnah.
The Companions paid much attention to the verbal Sunnah, which is represented in hadiths, whether sacred or prophetic, but there are many differences between the two types. The most important of these differences must be recognized.
Definition of Hadith Qudsi and Hadith of the Prophet
The Hadith Qudsi differs from the Hadith of the Prophet in terms of definition, so you can learn about both definitions through the following points:
First: Hadith Qudsi

image about الفرق بين الحديث القدسي والحديث النبوي في الدين الإسلامي
⦁ Qudsi hadiths are hadiths narrated by the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, from God through revelation.
The sacred hadiths differ in content from the hadiths of the Prophet, as they are characterized by words from God Almighty with His creatures on earth.
⦁ These hadiths also include the words of God about fear and hope, and some of the rulings mandated for the servants.
⦁ Hadith Qudsi is considered an anecdotal Sunnah because it comes from God Almighty, but the Messenger transmits it.
Second: the hadith of the Prophet

image about الفرق بين الحديث القدسي والحديث النبوي في الدين الإسلامي
⦁ Prophetic hadiths are those narrated by the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, without attributing them to God Almighty.
⦁ Also, the difference between the hadith Qudsi and the hadith of the Prophet is that it includes some life topics and contains legal rulings.
⦁ In addition, it is one of the sayings of the Messenger and everything that was reported about him in terms of sayings or actions.
In addition, the hadiths of the Prophet are completely different from the sacred in terms of number, because the number of hadiths are very few compared to the number of hadiths.
Thus, we have come to know the difference between the divine hadith and the hadith of the Prophet, as well as the definition of both types, as every Muslim must be fully aware of the types of hadiths and what is the difference between them.

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