The Story of Prophet Salih (AS)
The Story of Prophet Salih (AS)
Prophet Salih (AS) was one of the messengers of Allah sent to guide the people of Thamud. The Thamud were an ancient Arab tribe who lived in the region of Al-Hijr (present-day Saudi Arabia). They were skilled in carving homes out of mountains and lived a prosperous life. However, they were arrogant and refused to worship Allah, instead worshiping idols.
Allah sent Prophet Salih (AS) to call them to monotheism and righteousness. He urged them to abandon their wicked ways, reminding them of Allah’s blessings upon them. But most of them rejected his message, mocking him and demanding proof of his prophethood. They asked for a miracle—a sign that would prove he was truly sent by Allah.
By Allah’s command, Salih (AS) brought forth a miraculous she-camel from a rock. This camel was extraordinary; it drank large amounts of water and provided milk for the people. Salih (AS) warned his people not to harm the camel and to let it drink from their water sources on its appointed days. However, the arrogant leaders of Thamud saw the camel as a threat to their power.
A group of disbelievers plotted to kill the camel. They attacked it, wounding and killing it. Salih (AS) was devastated and warned them that Allah’s punishment would come within three days. Despite his warnings, the people remained defiant and even planned to kill Salih (AS) himself.
On the third day, Allah’s punishment struck the people of Thamud. A powerful earthquake and a deafening blast destroyed them, leaving their land barren. Only Salih (AS) and the few who believed in him were saved.
The story of Prophet Salih (AS) serves as a powerful reminder of the consequences of arrogance and disbelief. It teaches us to follow the truth and be grateful for Allah’s blessings. The ruins of Thamud still exist today as a sign for future generations.