Summary of the interpretation of Surat Al-Baqarah from verse 40 :  50

Summary of the interpretation of Surat Al-Baqarah from verse 40 :  50

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Summary of the interpretation of Surat Al-Baqarah from verse 40 :  50


Verse 40

A call from God Almighty to the Children of Israel to remember His blessings that He bestowed upon them and to fulfill the covenant, which is to maintain the faith of nature and faith in the message of the Messenger, for God Almighty promised them that if they fulfilled His covenant, God would fulfill His advice to them that they would attain His Paradise and mercy by fulfilling His covenant, which is the Paradise and mercy of the believers, and if they did not believe, then they should fear God Almighty, 

Verse 41

God Almighty commands them to believe in the Qur’an because the Qur’an confirms what they had of the Torah, before they distorted it, and God Almighty warned them not to be the first to disbelieve in this book and to believe in the message of Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace... and because God Almighty did not surprise the People of the Book with the coming of Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace.  Rather, they were aware of that in the heavenly books because Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, was not from their people, so he refused to believe in his message out of fear of their authority and desire for the fleeting pleasures of this world, so they bought this world with the Hereafter, meaning they left the Hereafter, which is the signs of God and in it is a method that saves them from the torment of the Hereafter, so they bought the little, which is the fleeting world, and they left the Hereafter, which is the eternal bliss, so God commands them with His piety to do what He commanded them to do of faith and abandoning disbelief.

Verse 42

They mixed truth with falsehood... and they try to hide the facts to buy the signs of God for a small price... God Almighty wants to tell us that the Jews distorted the Torah and put in it lies that God did not command, and they concealed the truth of the message of Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, and they did that knowingly.


Verse 43

God Almighty commands them to establish prayer

and give zakat. Because the believer, with his faith, directs himself to beneficial work and society expands to include everyone.  Hatred and envy are removed from him, and souls are purified, so Allah the Almighty commands them to perform the correct prayer that includes bowing, because the prayer of the Jews does not include bowing.


Verse 44

Allah the Almighty reminds us that the Jews say what they do not do. Because they were giving good tidings of the coming of a new Messenger. And they announced that they would believe in his message. They knew his attributes from the Torah when they recited it, but they did not believe, and if they truly believed in the Torah, they would have believed in the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, because if they had an ounce of reason, they would have believed in what the Book recited to them, especially since they found his attributes matching what was mentioned in the Torah, but they do not think with their minds, but rather they want to rise up on earth.


Verse 45

Allah the Almighty commands those who believe in Allah and His Messenger to seek help through patience... and patience in the noble verse is interpreted by some scholars as fasting, and seeking help through prayer in humility, because prayer is difficult except for those whose hearts are humble before Allah.


Verse 46

And those who are humble to God and know that they will return to God, and this humbleness comes from a feeling  certainty, so the believer’s humbleness and reassurance increase that he will return to God.

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Verse 47

And if God has blessed the Children of Israel by sending messengers, this does not mean that they deny God’s blessing upon them through the last messenger, that is, remember that I have included in your book what proves the truth of Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, in his prophethood, and I made prophets from among you at the time of the revelation of the message of Moses, but they broke the covenant, so they deserved punishment, and the blessing does not continue with disbelief in it.


Verse 48

{And fear a Day when no soul will suffice for another soul at all, nor will intercession be accepted from it, nor will compensation be taken from it, nor will they be aided.}

Allah warned the Children of Israel of a Day when intercession will be of no avail except by Allah’s permission, and He commanded them in the verse to make their righteous deeds a protection from the punishment of that Day, and He wanted to remind them of His blessings upon them.

Verse 48 and verse 123 of Surat Al-Baqarah, which are a response to the claims of the Children of Israel, where they claimed that they were the friends of Allah and His beloved, and that their fathers were prophets, and that their grandfathers would intercede for them with Allah on the Day of Resurrection, and that they would not enter Hell, and that they would enter Paradise without doing righteous deeds.  The verse began with a command from God to fear Him and a warning of the greatness of the Day of Resurrection and to prepare for that day. It is necessary to do good, which is to do everything that God has commanded of good and to avoid what God has forbidden of evil. This is piety, that is, protection from God’s punishment on the Day of Resurrection. On that day, you will not be able to ask for intercession for yourself, and you will not be able to protect another soul from the punishment if God wants to punish it, because the punishment will not come except after God’s mercy, wisdom, patience, and forbearance towards the people, who are the ones who wronged themselves by choosing disbelief, because God Almighty does not take or accept, and neither intercession nor justice, that is, redemption, will benefit them on that day. All of that is by God’s permission

                                          verse  49

{And when We delivered you from the people of Pharaoh, who subjected you to the worst torment, slaughtering your sons ,and keeping your women alive. And in that was a great trial from your Lord.}

Allah reminds them that He delivered them while they were being tormented by the people of Pharaoh, who were tormenting them with various types of torment, such as flogging, forced labor, and forced labor. They were slaughtering children and keeping women alive, and that was a severe trial for them.

Verse 50

{And when We parted the sea for you and saved you and drowned the people of Pharaoh while you were looking on.}

Allah says: {And when We parted the sea for you.} Parting is the separation between two things, and the sea split,  so Allah inspired Moses to strike the dams with his staff, and they opened between each dam and each of them saw the other.  When Moses, peace be upon him, saw Pharaoh and his army heading to the sea to cross to catch up with Moses’ people, he struck the sea a second time by God’s command so that it would return to its flow so that Pharaoh’s people would not catch up with them. When the first of them reached the shore and the last of them reached the other shore, the water returned to its course, and they drowned {while you were watching}. He wanted the Children of Israel to see Pharaoh’s people drown, so that they would be reassured and rejoice at the death of their enemy while they were drowning without any of them escaping, so that doubt would not enter your hearts, perhaps some of them would escape and return with an army to follow you.


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